For a while now, I have been focusing my efforts on STM32World. It started out as a wiki: Combined with a reasonably active Facebook group. Unfortunately, Facebook in their wisdom decided to ban my account and since I was …
Payoneer waste of time
I use Paypal quite a lot for handling online purchases. One problem with Paypal is that none of the big electronic component suppliers support it, so I have been looking at easier ways to handle that. A few weeks ago, …
Network Security? Not my Problem!
I live within 2 minutes walk from a street packed with restaurants and bars, probably more than 30 of them. Most – if not all – of these, provide WiFi Internet access as a service for their customers, and most …
Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)
I have a weakness for movies that are so bad that they become unintentionally funny. The master of the genre is of course Edward D. Wood, Jr. who spend his entirely life making a long line of absolutely brilliantly poor …
Livestock Tracking
I am currently working on a system for live GPS tracking of livestock. Systems like that exist already, but they all – without exception – fail on one particular field – reporting! Existing systems all rely on either GSM or …